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State Wildlife Grants

What is the State Wildlife Grants Program?

State wildlife agencies are responsible for the conservation of the majority of fish and wildlife resources, but funding for conservation has been limited throughout our history. During the past 70 years, dedicated funding programs have been developed for the conservation of game and sport fish species, but many species, including rare or declining ones, are not eligible for funding assistance under these programs. Congress recognizes this limitation and in federal fiscal year 2001, it authorized and funded the State Wildlife Grants Program. This program is a federal cost-share program that is restricted to statutory state fish and wildlife management agencies; the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation is the approved state agency for the state of Oklahoma.

The purpose of the State Wildlife Grants program is to support proactive conservation and management activities on behalf of the rare and declining species that are in greatest need of conservation attention. In order to most effectively use the limited conservation funding that is available through the State Wildlife Grants program, the ODWC worked with interested constituents and technical experts to prepare a strategic conservation plan that identifies the wildlife species in greatest conservation need, the habitats with which they are associated, and the factors that most substantially appear to affect their population. This plan is called the Oklahoma Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. The Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy was recently updated and approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on June 10, 2016. The original plan was approved on October 12, 2005.


Grant NameGrant NumberStart DateEnd Date
Detection and Occupancy of Bluntface Shiner (Cyprinella camura) in wadeable streams of northeastern OklahomaT-120-R-101-01-202106-30-2023
Evaluating the Spatial and Temporal Distribution and Ecology of Bighead and Silver Carp and Native Fishes of the Lower Red River BasinT-11911-01-202006-30-2022
Life History of Western Chicken Turtles in Southeastern OklahomaT-114-R-101-01-202006-30-2022
Conservation Collaboration, Population Monitoring and Data Management for Species of Greatest Conservation Need in OklahomaT-113-R-110-01-201909-30-2022
Status Assessment for the Southern Hickorynut in OklahomaT-111-R-107-01-201912-31-2022
Status of the Regal Fritillary in OklahomaT-110-R-101-01-201906-30-2021
Life History and Ecology of the Ozark Emerald and Associated Crayfishes in the Ouachita Mountains/West Gulf Coastal Plain RegionT-108-R-110-01-201806-30-2021
Winter Habitat Use and Seasonal Movements of Three Longspur SpeciesT-106-R-110-01-201803-31-2023
Remote Acoustic Biomonitoring and Habitat Modeling to Establish Current Range and Critical Habitat of the Prairie Mole Cricket in OklahomaT-105-R-110-01-201809-30-2021
Movement and flow-recruitment relationships of Prairie Chub: An Endemic Great Plains cyprinidT-104-R-107-01-201806-30-2021
Assessment of the Current Distribution of the Eastern Spotted Skunk in Southeast OklahomaT-102-R-101-01-201812-31-2021
Surveys to Assess Suitability of Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) Reintroduction Sites in OklahomaT-101-R-101-01-201812-31-2018
Targeted Surveys for the Peppered Shiner in the Kiamichi, Little, Glover and Mountain Fork RiversT-100-R-101-01-201806-30-2020
Assessing the distribution and habitat needs of the Least Darter and sympatric species of the Ozark and Arbuckle Mountain ecoregionsT-99-R-110-01-201709-30-2020
Surveys for Wintering Yellow Rails in OklahomaT-98-R-110-01-201906-30-2019
The Influence of Behavior, Physiology, and Genomics on the Reproductive Success of Alligator Snapping TurtlesT-97-R-109-01-201712-31-2018
Distribution and Biology of the Oklahoma-endemic Wichita Mountains PillsnailT-96-R-107-01-201712-31-2020
Investigation of Shinnery Oak Propagation and Establishment as Framework for RestorationT-95-R-110-01-201612-31-2018
Henslow's Sparrow Breeding Distribution in OklahomaT-94-R-104-01-201703-31-2018
A Survey for Rare Mayfly and Caddisfly Species of Greatest Conservation NeedT-93-R-101-01-201712-31-2018
Assessing the Impacts of Road Culverts on Stream Fishes in Eastern OklahomaT-92-R-107-01-201706-30-2019
Detecting Native Aquatics Network - A Novel Biodiversity Monitoring Program for Native Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Species Using Environmental DNAT-91-R-110-01-201606-30-2020
Oklahoma Biodiversity Information System:  An Integrated, Online Data System for Conservation PlanningT-90-M-104-01-201603-31-2020
Geographic Distribution and Ecological Impact of Aquatic Invasive Plants in OklahomaT-89-104-01-201606-30-2021
Ecological Assessment of Ozark Watersheds Using Breeding BirdsT-88-R-101-01-201612-31-2018
Determine the Distribution of State Endangered Longnose Darter through Niche Model TransferabilityT-87-R-101-01-201612-31-2018
Biological surveys to determine the breeding range, habitat needs, and co-occurring faunal communities associated with Black Rails (Laterallus jamaicensis) in OklahomaT-86-101-01-201612-31-2017
Distribution, Abundance and Genetic Variation of the Prairie Speckled ChubT-85-101-01-201612-31-2018
Conservation, Monitoring, and Data Management for Species of Greatest Conservation Need in OklahomaT-84-R-110-01-201409-30-2019
Distribution, Population Estimate, and Response to Prescribed Fire in the Rattlesnake-Master Borer Moth at the Nature Conservancy’s Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in Osage County, OklahomaT-83-101-01-201512-31-2017
A Biological Survey of the Linda's Roadside Skipper ButterflyT-82-104-01-201503-31-2020
Mapping Priority Areas for Oklahoma’s Ozark Karst Species of Greatest Conservation Concern T-81-110-01-201409-30-2016
Tracking the Emergence of Infectious Diseases Among Amphibian Species of Greatest Conservation NeedT-80-101-01-201512-31-2017
Assessment of Distribution, Status and Habitat Needs of Rare Mussel Species in the Little River Watershed in OklahomaT-79-110-01-201409-30-2016
Assessment and Survey of the Presence, Distribution, and Habitat of the Texas Kangaroo Rat, Dipodomys elator, in OklahomaT-78-110-01-201409-30-2017
Harper County Land AcquisitionT-77-L-108-01-201407-31-2017
Assessment of the Density and Spatial and Temporal Variation of the American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) in OklahomaT-76-101-01-201406-30-2017
Assessing the Extent and Density of Chicken Turtle Populations in Southeastern OklahomaT-75-110-01-201312-31-2017
Survey of Clear Boggy, Muddy Boggy, Kiamichi and Little River Drainages in OklahomaT-74-101-01-201406-30-2016
Status, Distribution and Ecology of the Ozark Emerald (Somatochlora ozarkensis) and other Springtime-Emerging Dragonflies of Eastern OklahomaT-73-110-01-201309-30-2016
State Wildlife Grants CoordinationT-72-110-01-201309-30-2018
Understanding Impacts of Surface-Groundwater Conditions on Stream Fishes Under Altered Base-Flow ConditionsT-71-101-01-201412-31-2018
An Assessment of Impacts of Bighead Carp on SGCN in the Neosho and Spring RiversT-70-101-01-201412-31-2017
A General Status Assessment of Blue Suckers in Oklahoma RiversT-69-108-01-201306-30-2018
Determining Current Distribution, Movement and Habitat Use of Shovelnose Sturgeon in Oklahoma WatersT-68-R-109-01-201308-31-2018
Oklahoma Ecological Systems Mapping: Phase 2, Western OklahomaT-67-110-01-201309-30-2015
Girdner Tract Land Acquisition, Cherokee CountyT-66-L-110-01-201309-30-2015
Wildlife Diversity Inventory on Oklahoma Wildlife Management Areas with Emphasis on Species of Greatest Conservation NeedT-65-110-01-201309-30-2018
Implementation of a Program to Address Energy-Related Wildlife and Habitat ImpactsT-64-R-206-01-201506-30-2018
Development and Implementation of a Program to Address Energy Related Wildlife and Habitat ImpactsT-64-R-106-01-201206-30-2015
Habitat Restoration and Population Assessment of Chicken Turtles and Crawfish Frogs at Bohler Seeps and Sandhills PreserveT-63-R-101-23-201212-31-2013
Update and Revision of the Oklahoma Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation StrategyT-62-P-110-01-201109-30-2015
Distribution and Diversity of Grotto and Oklahoma Salamanders in the Oklahoma OzarksT-61-R-112-01-201111-30-2015
The Impacts of Flow Alterations on Crayfishes in Southeastern Oklahoma with an Emphasis on the Mena CrayfishT-60-R-106-01-201105-31-2014
Evaluating Environmental Flow Requirements for Freshwater Mussels of the Mountain Fork, Kiamichi and Little RiversT-59-R-106-01-201105-30-2014
Determining Factors Affecting the Distribution of Fish and Crayfish in the Ozark Region of OklahomaT-58-R-106-01-201105-30-2014
Developing a Multiple Spatial Scale Model to Predict the Distribution of Freshwater Mussel Assemblages in the Small Rivers of Southeastern OklahomaT-57-R-106-01-201112-31-2014
Population Size Estimation of the Mexican Free-tailed Bat at Important Maternity Roosts in OklahomaT-55-R-108-23-201007-31-2013
Survey and Status of Freshwater Mussels in the Poteau RiverT-54-107-01-201006-30-2012
Effects of Hydrologic Alteration on Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Lee Creek, OklahomaT-53-107-01-201006-30-2013
A Survey of Alligator Snapping Turtles and Other Turtle Species in Three Northeast Oklahoma RiversT-52-107-01-201006-30-2014
A Survey of the Freshwater Turtles in Eastern OklahomaT-51-205-15-201212-31-2012
A Survey of the Freshwater Turtles in Eastern OklahomaT-51-105-06-200904-30-2012
Oklahoma Paddlefish Research for Conservation ManagementT-50-110-01-200712-31-2009
Harper County Land Acquisitions - Carmichael Ranch PropertyT-49-L-1  
Woods County Land Acquisition, McKinley Ranch PropertyT-48-L-1  
Digital Atlas of Oklahoma Mammals: Development of Website - Collection of VertebratesT-47-P-112-31-200606-30-2009
Using Tree Ring Analysis to Determine Fire History in the Oklahoma OzarksT-46-P-112-31-200612-30-2011
Subregional Mapping of the Ozark and Arkansas Valley RegionsT-45-P-112-31-200612-30-2009
Development of the Oklahoma State Aquatic Nuisance Species Management PlanT-44-P-112-18-200606-30-2009
Conservation Planning in the Oaks and Prairies Bird Conservation RegionT-43-P-110-01-200609-30-2012
Restoration of Open Woodland and Savannah Communities through Selective Thinning on The Nature Conservancy's Nickel PreserveT-41-107-01-200612-31-2009
Status of Macroinvertebrate and Fish Assemblages in the Small Rivers of the Tallgrass PrairieT-40-P-107-01-200612-30-2009
WAFWA Interstate Grassland Conservation CoordinationT-39-P-107-01-200606-30-2010
Surveys for Rare Mussel Species and Determination of Hydrological Characteristics of Mussel Habitat in Southeast OklahomaT-38-P-106-01-200605-31-2008
Migrant Shorebirds and Habitat Quality of Isolated Wetlands in the Mixed Grass Prairie RegionT-37-P-107-01-200606-30-2009
Evaluating Conversion of Old World Bluestem Monocultures to Native Plant CommunitiesT-36-P-106-01-200605-31-2009
Inventory of Reptiles and Amphibians on Oklahoma Wildlife Management AreasT-35-P-106-01-200605-31-2011
Subregional Mapping of the Tallgrass Prairie CWCS RegionT-34-P-106-01-200608-31-2009
Development of the Shortgrass Prairie Region Species of Greatest Conservation Need Conservation Assessment and Conservation StrategyT-33-P-104-01-200603-31-2014
Conversion of the Oklahoma Gap Vegetation Map for Habitat Analysis of Species of Greatest Conservation NeedT-32-P-110-01-200503-31-2007
Status and Habitat Affinity for Cerulean Warblers and Other Forest Birds in Eastern OklahomaT-31-P-109-01-200508-31-2008
Patch Burn Management: Enhancing Habitat for Imperiled Grassland Bird SpeciesT-30-P-109-01-200508-31-2008
Digital Atlas of Oklahoma Mammals: Data Capture and Georeferencing of OSU Collection of VertebratesT-29-P-108-01-200512-31-2007
Oklahoma Mammals Database: Preparation of Data From the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural HistoryT-28-P-108-01-200507-31-2007
Reproductive Timing and Success of Freshwater Mussels in the Little River, OklahomaT-27-P-107-01-200512-31-2008
Status and Demography of Grassland Raptors of Conservation Concern in the Oklahoma PanhandleT-26-P-107-01-200512-31-2008
Oklahoma Winter Bird AtlasT-25-P-112-01-200411-30-2010
A Herpetological Survey of the Black Mesa Ecoregion and Surrounding AreaT-24-P-106-01-200505-31-2008
Survey of Mammals of Special Concern in Western OklahomaT-23-P-109-15-200412-31-2007
Effects of Land Cover Change in Sandy Sanders, Packsaddle and Cooper Wildlife Management Areas on State Birds of Greatest Conservation NeedT-22-P-109-15-200409-14-2009
Swainson's Warbler Status Assessment in OklahomaT-21-P-107-01-200806-30-2009
Development of Inter-Agency Rare Species Data Sharing and Exchange for Statewide Wildlife Conservation PlanningT-20-P-106-15-200411-30-2010
Fluvial Geomorphology Analysis of the Kiamichi River, OklahomaT-19-P-106-01-200406-30-2006
Assessment of Ecological Disturbance to a Cross Timber HabitatT-18-P-106-01-200405-31-2007
Wildlife Habitat in Oklahoma Territory and the Chickasaw Nation, Circa 1870T-17-P-106-01-200412-31-2007
Faunal Survey of Oklahoma Cave and SpringsT-16-P106-01-200405-31-2008
Development and Implementation of Fish and Wildlife Resources Impact Review ProgramsT-15-P-104-19-200406-30-2007

The Freshwater Mussels of Oklahoma


Digital Atlas of Oklahoma Fishes: Preparation of Data from the SNOMNHT-13-P-110-01-200303-31-2007
Digital Atlas of Oklahoma Fishes: Preparation of Data from Oklahoma State UniversityT-12-P-110-01-200309-30-2006
Surveys and Studies of Oklahoma Crayfish and the Grotto SalamanderT-11-P-108-18-200306-30-2005
Physiological Determination of Mussel Sensitivity to Water Management Practices in the Kiamichi River and Review and Summarization of LiteratureT-10-P-108-11-200309-30-2005
North American Bird Conservation Initiative Planning for OklahomaT-9-P-107-28-200307-24-2011
Instream Flow Modeling for Mussels and Fishes in Southeastern Oklahoma RiversT-8-P-107-28-200306-30-2005
Review and Summarization of Literature Pertaining to the Ecosystem Flow Requirements for the Kiamichi River Above Hugo Lake and Little River Watershed in OklahomaT-7-P-107-28-200306-30-2007
Genetic Variation Within and Among Natural and Captive Populations of Alligator Snapping Turtles in OklahomaT-5-P-107-01-200306-30-2006
Wildlife Diversity Inventory and Development of Species of Greatest Conservation Need Management PlansT-4-P-103-24-200312-31-2006
Oklahoma Paddlefish Information for Conservation ManagementT-3-P-101-24-200312-31-2007
State Wildlife Grants CoordinationT-2-P-201-01-200606-30-2013
Development of the Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation StrategyT-2-P-111-15-200212-31-2005
Kimbell Ranch Land Acquisition, Love CountyWT-2-L-106-01-201109-22-2014
McFarland Ranch Land Acquisition, Beaver CountyWT-1-L-109-01-201008-31-2012