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Attention Hunters

Please check your county for burn bans before going afield. 

Check Burn Bans

Additional Pond Information

OSU Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology

Farm Pond Management for Recreational Fishing

Cooperative Extension Program

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

Producing Fish and Wildlife from Kansas Ponds

Kansas Game & Fish Commission

Pond Fish and Fishing in Illinois

Illinois Dept of Conservation,

Division of Fisheries, Springfield, IL  62706

Managing Louisiana Fish Ponds

Louisiana Dept of Wildlife and Fisheries

P.O. Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA  70898

Pond Construction

Ponds – Planning, Design, Construction


Construction Hints and Preliminary Management Practices for New Ponds and Lakes

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX  78744

Spillway Barriers for Farm Ponds

Circ. ANR-326

Alabama Cooperative Extension Service

Auburn University, Auburn, AL  36849

Fish Identification

Fish Species

Oklahoma Dept of Wildlife Conservation

P.O. Box 53465, OKC, OK 73152

The Fishes of Missouri

Missouri Department of Conservation

Fish Population Assessment

How Is Your Fish Pond Balance?

Circ. 600

Alabama Cooperative Extension Service

Managing Ponds for Good Fishing

Missouri Cooperative Extension Service, Agricultural Guide

University of Missouri, Columbia, MO  65211

Aquatic Vegetation

Texas A&M Extension

AQUAPLANT: A Pond Manager Diagnostic Tool

Aquatic Weed Management: Control Methods

SRAC Publication No. 360

OSU Cooperative Extension

Aquatic Weed Management: Herbicides

SRAC Publication No. 361

OSU Cooperative Extension

Grass Carp for Pond Weed Management

OSU Current Report No. 9202

OSU Cooperative Extension

How to Identify and Control Water Weeds and Algae

Applied Biochemists, Inc.

Aquatic Plant Identification and Use Guide, Volume II: Aquatic Plants and Susceptibility to Herbicides  - Technical Report A-88-9

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station

P.O. Box 631, Vicksburg, MS  39180-0631

Spillway Barriers

Panel-Type Parallel-Bar Fish Barriers

Fish Feeders

Many good fish feeders are available from a wide variety of manufacturers.  Any web based search will provide you options to purchase.

Catfish Culture

Is Fish Farming For Me

Langston University Coop Extension

P.O. Box 730, Langston, OK  73050

Southern Region Aquaculture Center

Water Quality Management for Fish Farmers

Langston University Coop Extension

P.O. Box 730, Langston, OK  73050

Catfish Farming

OSU Cooperative Extension Service

P.O. Box 1378, Ada, OK  74820

Additional Contacts

Marley Beem / 405-744-3854

OSU Cooperative Extension Service

ODWC Fisheries Contact


The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC) would like to acknowledge the contributing authors of this booklet: Barry Bolton, Fisheries Division Chief, ODWC; Bill Wentroth, regional fisheries supervisor, ODWC; Jeff Boxrucker, retired administrator, ODWC; Jan Dean, retired administrator ODWC/college professor; Glen Gephart, retired extension fisheries specialist, Langston University, Langston, OK; Phillip Moershel, aquatic biologist, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Oklahoma City, OK; and John Stahl, retired regional fisheries supervisor, ODWC.

The American Fisheries Society (AFS), founded in 1870, is the oldest and largest professional society representing fisheries scientists with approximately 10,000 members worldwide.  AFS promotes scientific research and management of aquatic resources for optimum use and enjoyment by the public.  The Oklahoma Chapter of AFS consists of approximately 65 professional fisheries scientists living and working in Oklahoma.  Our goals are to promote and enhance the fisheries resources of the state of Oklahoma.  The Chapter promotes continuing education to keep fisheries professionals abreast of new and innovative developments in the science and serves as an information source for all interested in aquatic resources of the state.