Fishing Guide License
Fishing guides must possess an Oklahoma fishing guide license. See a list of licensed guides.
3-Year Combination Fishing and Hunting License
People who have been residents of Oklahoma for at least six months may buy a 3-year combination fishing and hunting license. Holders of these licenses are exempt from the annual fishing and hunting license only. Holders of resident 3-year licenses who become residents of another state during the 3-year period of their license may continue to use their license as a nonresident annual fishing or hunting license. However, they must purchase any season-specific licenses, such as antelope, bear, deer, elk, or turkey, that are not covered by a resident annual hunting license.
Annual Youth Super Hunting License
Allows hunters 17 years of age and younger to hunt all game types. Refer to this table for a list of game covered. The youth super license does not exempt youth hunters from HIP, and if required, the federal migratory bird stamp.
Lake Texoma License
Allows anglers to fish the entire lake without having to purchase a resident or nonresident license. Oklahoma residents with a valid fishing license are not required to purchase this license if only fishing the Oklahoma portion of the lake.
Paddlefish Permit
Residents and nonresidents, regardless of age or exemption status, must obtain a free paddlefish permit, annually (permits expire on Dec. 31); permit must be carried on person (electronic or hardcopy). There is no valid exemption for the paddlefish permit.
Lifetime Senior Citizen Combination Fishing/Hunting License
Residents age 65 (or those who turn 65 during the calendar year) are eligible to purchase a senior citizen combination fishing/hunting license, which is valid for life. The license provides the same exemptions as a resident lifetime combination fishing/hunting license. Applications are available online. If using a paper form, the form must be signed by a Wildlife Department employee or include a copy of your Oklahoma driver's license before mailing.
5-year Disability Combination Fishing/Hunting License
Persons who have resided in Oklahoma for at least six months and who are receiving Social Security disability benefits, Supplemental Security Income benefits, or persons receiving disability benefits under the Federal Railroad Retirement Act or the Multiple Injury Trust Fund may buy a disability 5-year combination fishing/hunting license for $20. Applicants for this license are urged to ask for a Benefit Verification Letter from Social Security at (800) 772-1213.
Lifetime Disabled Veteran Lifetime Combination Fishing/Hunting License
This license is available to resident disabled veterans, as certified by the Veterans Affairs Department. For veterans with a disability of less than 60 percent, the cost of the license is $200. For veterans with a disability of 60 percent or more, the cost of the license is $25. The license provides the same benefits as a resident lifetime combination fishing and hunting license.
Land Access Permit
Required for residents to hunt, fish or otherwise use Honobia Creek WMA, Three Rivers WMA and OLAP properties. Nonresidents are required to purchase an annual permit, no exemptions. A 3-day special use land access permit is available to residents for non-hunting and non-fishing related activities. Individuals who possess the annual land access permit are exempt from the special use permit. Oklahoma residents who are under 18 years of age on the first day of the current calendar year or are 64 years old or older are exempt from land access permit requirements. Lifetime license holders are not exempt from land access permits.
3-Day/Annual Wildlife Conservation Passport
People who use Department owned areas for non-hunting or non-fishing activities, such as birdwatching or photography, are required to have either a Wildlife Conservation Passport or any current hunting or fishing license issued by the Wildlife Department. License holders are granted the privileges of that license and can enjoy those activities during the license term. Persons under 18 years of age at the start of the calendar year, and students and instructors participating in bona fide educational tours or activities sponsored or organized by an education institution or any other organized event sanctioned by and approved in advance by the Wildlife Department are exempt from the Wildlife Conservation Passport requirement.
Harvest Information Program (HIP) Permit
A Harvest Information Program (HIP) permit is required of all migratory bird and waterfowl hunters under age 64, including lifetime license holders. The permit is valid from July 1 through the following June 30, and may be obtained free of charge at or is available at all state hunting license dealer locations for $3. Youth under 18 not hunting waterfowl but hunting other migratory birds are exempt from this permit.
Motor Vehicle Permit and Non-Ambulatory Permit to Hunt from a Motorized Vehicle
Use of a motor vehicle for hunting is intended only as a means of facilitating access. During the actual taking of any wildlife, the vehicle being used by the permittee must be stopped and the engine must be turned off. The Department may issue two distinct 5-year motor vehicle permits to facilitate access for resident hunters with ambulatory challenges (as certified by a medical doctor licensed to practice in Oklahoma or any state which borders this state).
The qualifications and restrictions are as follows:
• Residents having a permanent disability which confines them to a wheelchair, or requires the use of crutches, a walker or other means of support or assistance for body mobility may qualify for a Motor Vehicle Permit. Use of a vehicle on Department-managed lands by a motor vehicle permittee is authorized only on roads or trails specifically designated as open for such activity. Off-road travel by a motor vehicle permittee is prohibited.
• Residents who are unable to walk due to a single or double leg amputation, paralysis of lower extremity(ies) and/or disease or injury and are confined to the use of a wheelchair as their primary source of mobility may qualify for a Non-Ambulatory Permit. Off-road use of a vehicle on Department managed lands by a non-ambulatory permittee is authorized only on lands specifically designated as open for such activity. Maps of areas open to offroad use may be obtained from Department headquarters in Oklahoma City.
5-Day Rattlesnake Permit
Any person 18 or older hunting, pursuing, trapping, harassing, catching, killing, taking, or attempting to take in any manner any species of rattlesnake during an organized rattlesnake hunting event or festival must have a rattlesnake permit, unless exempt. Persons with a valid hunting or combination license are exempt from the rattlesnake permit. Permits are available online at, or at any hunting or fishing license dealer.
Federal Sandhill Crane Permit
All crane hunters must possess a $3 federal sandhill crane permit (valid July 1 to the following June 30). Permits are available from any Oklahoma hunting license dealer. Permits also are available free of charge at
Nonresident Lifetime Licenses
Nonresidents who hold a nonresident lifetime hunting or combination license are exempt from the purchase of a hunting license when hunting small game, except turkey. The owner of a nonresident lifetime license must purchase a nonresident annual hunting license in addition to a turkey license to hunt turkey. To hunt antelope, bear, deer or elk, nonresident lifetime license holders must purchase a nonresident antelope, bear, deer or elk license. Nonresident lifetime license holders need the following for certain types of migratory bird hunting: a HIP permit to hunt migratory game birds, a federal sandhill crane permit to hunt sandhill cranes, a federal duck stamp and an Oklahoma waterfowl license to hunt waterfowl.
Commercial Hunt Areas
For information on operator license requirements, permits, eligibility, and live transport of cervidae call (405) 521-3719. All commercial hunt area hunters must be in possession of a valid resident or nonresident hunting license (see License Requirements for hunting license definitions). Any animal leaving a commercial hunt area must be tagged and listed on a receipt (tag and receipt is only provided by the commercial hunt area operator). See commercial hunting licenses.
Your Dollars Work For Conservation
If you’ve ever bought a hunting or fishing license, motorboat fuel, fishing tackle, ammo, or bows and arrows, you’re a part of the most successful effort to conserve fish and wildlife in America: The Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program.
Anglers, hunters, and outdoors enthusiasts pay a special excise tax whenever they buy items related to the outdoors, and that tax revenue is distributed back to the individual states. So each time an Oklahoman buys a license or outdoors-related merchandise, he or she is supporting important conservation efforts such as installing boat ramps or increasing hunting access.
Free Fishing Days
June 7 - 8, 2025
Anyone may fish in Oklahoma on these days without a state license (a free paddlefish permit is still required).
* Some city permits may still be required.
Free Hunting Days
September 6 - 7, 2025
Do you know someone who wants to try hunting? Take them afield the first weekend in September. No hunting license is required for Oklahoma residents on Free Hunting Days!