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Regulation Changes

Hunting Regulation Changes

The following are brief descriptions of regulation changes. This summary of regulation changes is intended to be used as a reference only. You are required to be familiar with all the changes to regulations that apply to each of these items.

  • New license structure is in effect starting July 1, 2024. Check license section and license requirements on species pages for more information.

ATTENTION Cimarron, Texas, Woodward, Major, and Woods County Hunters!

To monitor CWD presence, hunters should read the Selective Surveillance Area (SSA) rules and regulations.

SSA Rules & Regulations



Fishing Regulation Changes

The following are brief descriptions of regulation changes. This summary of regulation changes is intended to be used as a reference only. You are required to be familiar with all the changes to regulations that apply to each of these items.

Method of Take

Bow and Arrow: Bowfishing may be used to take nongame fish only, throughout the year in all waters unless restricted under the "Public Fishing Waters" special regulations. Fish taken by this method count towards the daily
bag limit, and any carcasses or remains shall be properly disposed of. Legal bowfishing is restricted to:

  • any bow (including a crossbow) comprised of a handheld riser, two limbs, and a string for propulsion;
  • devices that permit a bow to be held mechanically at full or partial draw are permitted.
  • arrows must have one point, two barbs, and be attached to the bow with a line for retrieving fish.

Labeling Requirements

As of January 1, 2025, the labeling of all types of fishing equipment (such as trotlines, juglines, limblines, yo-yo's, minnow traps, stringers, fish baskets, etc.) will now require the angler's customer ID number. Angler name and address will no longer satisfy this labeling requirement.

Free Hunting Days

September 6 - 7, 2025

Do you know someone who wants to try hunting? Take them afield the first weekend in September. No hunting license is required for Oklahoma residents on Free Hunting Days!

Free Fishing Days

June 7 - 8, 2025

Anyone may fish in Oklahoma on these days without a state license (a free paddlefish permit is still required).
* Some city permits may still be required.