For license requirements, possession limits, public lands, shooting hours, legal means of taking, hunter orange and other migratory bird/waterfowl hunting restrictions see Migratory Game Bird Regulations.
Dates & Open Areas
Limit: There is no daily or possession limit.
Legal Means of Taking
Firearms, archery equipment, legal raptors and as otherwise provided under General Hunting Regulations (see General Hunting Regulations). Shotguns larger than 10 gauge are prohibited. There is no magazine restriction for firearms. Electronic calls are legal.
Depredation Order
Federally approved nontoxic shot must be used when taking crows under depredation order. Federal law provides for a depredation order for crows when committing or about to commit depredations or when concentrated in such numbers and manner as to constitute a health hazard or other nuisance. For a complete copy of the Depredation Order, see 50 CFR, Part 21.43.

Dates & Open Areas
Bag and Possession Limits
Three daily, six in possession after the first day, nine in possession after the second day.
Rail (Sora & Virginia)

Dates & Open Areas
Bag and Possession Limits
25 daily, 50 in possession after first day, 75 in possession after the second day.
Wilson's (Common) Snipe

Dates & Open Areas
Bag and Possession Limits
Eight daily, 16 in possession after the first day, 24 in possession after the second day.
Gallinule (Purple & Common)

Dates & Open Areas
Bag and Possession Limits
15 daily, 30 in possession after first day, 45 in possession after the second day.