Establishing a Successful Wildscape
Attracting wildlife to your yard can be as simple as providing four basic habitat components in your wildscape: food, water, cover, and space.
Creating a Wildscape Plan
Design a plan that is compatible with the needs of the wildlife you hope to attract as well as of your home and property.
Establishing Plantings for Wildlife
Most wildlife rely upon plants, either eating the fruit, seeds, or nectar provided or using the plant as a source of shelter or cover. Establishing plantings for wildlife can attract more species to your property.
Finding Adventure Through iNaturalist
Wildlife Department Administrative Assistant Shelli Gray has made several exciting discoveries through iNaturalist.
Wild Double Take: Prairie Kingsnake and Great Plains Ratsnake
Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike snakes, the prairie kingsnake and Great Plains ratsnake.
Breeding Birds Counted in Trio of Surveys
Biologists surveyed along public roads to document the bird community found in a Breeding Bird Atlas block located in Jackson and Tillman counties.
Wild Double Take: Bumble and Carpenter Bees
Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike bees: bumble and carpenter bees.
Celebrate #MothWeek by Sharing Your Sightings
Help shed light on Oklahoma's moth community by sharing your sightings this #MothWeek.
“Will You Walk into My Parlour?”
Spider enthusiasts share tips for living – or at least existing – with eight-legged visitors to our homes and spaces.
Wild Double Take: Alligator Snapping and Common Snapping Turtles
Tips for identifying two Oklahoma look-alike turtles, the alligator snapping and common snapping turtles.