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Attention Hunters

Please check your county for burn bans before going afield. 

Check Burn Bans

Regulation Changes


Important Largemouth and/or Smallmouth Bass rule changes.

More Information

The following are brief descriptions of regulation changes. This summary of regulation changes is intended to be used as a reference only. You are required to be familiar with all the changes to regulations that apply to each of these items.

In addition to general housekeeping changes and reorganization of Title 800, fishing regulation changes for 2022-2023 include the following:

  • The key change to fishing regulations involves a modification of the statewide size and bag limits for largemouth and smallmouth basses. Specifically, the statewide limit for largemouth and smallmouth basses (in aggregate) is six (6) fish per day, only one (1) of which may exceed sixteen (16) inches in length (See page 12). Public fishing waters with special area regulations may differ from the statewide limits, therefore, see pages 24-27 for special area regulations. When an individual angler possesses a tournament exemption authorized by the Department, daily bag and size limits may deviate from those listed here. Instructions for the tournament exemption application process are provided on the Department website here.
  • The catfish (blue and/or channel catfish, in aggregate) daily limit is six (6) in the Fourche Maline River within Robbers Cave State Park (from Carlton Lake Dam downstream to the state park boundary.
  • Trout bag limits and harvest areas in the lower Mountain Fork River trout area have been changed (see page 18). The trophy harvest area downstream of the State Park Dam has been restored, and is now subject to a daily bag limit of up to one (1) rainbow trout which must be greater than twenty-five (25) inches and up to one (1) brown trout which must be greater than thirty (30) inches.
  • Other changes: Any fish subject to size limits must remain intact (head, tail, and skin/ scales not removed) while the angler is actively engaged in fishing. Unattended fishing equipment (e.g. stringers, creels, baskets, containers) used to store live fish in the field (both caught fish and fish used as bait) must be labeled with the angler's customer ID number and attended at least once every 24 hours. The boundaries have been expanded for collecting bait with cast nets in the lower Illinois River (see page 25). Vann's Lake Refuge is open to fishing and non-hunting use February 1 - October 14. Marbled Crayfish has been added to the list of restricted aquatic species.


The following are brief descriptions of regulation changes. This summary of regulation changes is intended to be used as a reference only. You are required to be familiar with all the changes to regulations that apply to each of these items.

  • New methods of take are available during open rifle seasons, for more information please see below.
  • Spotlighting/Headlighting Coyotes/Feral Hogs: See General Hunting Regulations.
  • Quail Season on Department Managed Land: Closed to non-resident hunting February 1-15 on western Wildlife Management Areas. See Special Area Regulations.
  • Trapping on Department Managed Land: Open same as statewide regulations from February 1 to the end of February. See Special Area Regulations.
  • Camping on Department Managed Land: Limited to a maximum of 16 consecutive days, and for no more than 21 days in any 30 day period on the same WMA. Leaving a campsite unattended for a period longer than 48 hours is prohibited. Unattended camp items will be removed.. See Department Managed Area Rules.
  • Mergansers now included in duck daily bag limit. See Migratory Game Bird Regulations.
  • Squirrel: Season open year-round for falconry. See Small Game Regulations.

Guidance for Arrow Rifle Hunters to Reduce Wounding Loss

Air-powered arrow rifles function much differently than centerfire rifles or shotguns most hunters have traditionally used to hunt game birds and animals. Therefore, a hunter’s understanding of the limitations of arrow rifles is critical to minimize or avoid wounding loss when hunting and taking game.  

As with any legal method of take, knowing the limitations of your specific equipment is critical to reduce or avoid wounding loss. Hunters should understand that although a number of arrow rifles may meet minimum standards to make them legal for hunting, different brands and models have different levels of ballistic performance and effectiveness. Other factors such as proficiency of the hunter using an arrow rifle , distance to target, and type and weight or arrow used, all factor into the ability of that arrow rifle to perform well in the field and deliver a lethal shot. Additionally, the amount of air charged in the reservoir on the arrow rifle is diminished after each successive shot which changes ballistics and ultimately the effectiveness of the arrow rifle in taking game. Hunters should be cognizant of the number of shots an arrow rifle can produce on a fully charged tank before becoming ineffective at taking game. 

The effective range is recommended to be 75 yards or closer. Beyond 75 yards, the ability of some models of arrow rifles to be lethal becomes diminished, so it is critical for hunters to know the limitation of the model of arrow rifle being used and practice with the equipment just like with any sporting arm.

Free Fishing Days

June 7 - 8, 2025

Anyone may fish in Oklahoma on these days without a state license (a free paddlefish permit is still required).
* Some city permits may still be required.

Free Hunting Days

September 7 - 8, 2024

Do you know someone who wants to try hunting? Take them afield the first weekend in September. No hunting license is required for Oklahoma residents on Free Hunting Days!