The trapping season for passage peregrine falcons is September 20 through October 20.
The Oklahoma allocation for peregrine falcon take is 5 for 2023.
The season will be open until 5 peregrines have been captured or the season ends. Falconers must contact the falconry coordinator prior to each capture attempt to see if the quota has been reached. Falconers capturing a peregrine must immediately contact the falconry coordinator. After the quota has been reached, the season is closed. A notice of closure will be posted at the top of this page.
There is potential for capturing a peregrine in excess of the quota on the day the quota is met. Falconers capturing a peregrine after the quota has been met must immediately release the bird upon notification by the falconry coordinator.
Falconers must make sure their falconry permit allows the take of passage peregrine falcons.
To check the status of the harvest quota and to report a capture, call or text (405) 590-2583 only between the hours of 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM between 9/20 to 10/20. Please make sure if you text you leave your name in the text. Permit status will be checked upon notification. Non-resident falconers may take no more than fifty percent (50%) of the number of peregrine falcons allotted to Oklahoma, which is 2 as of 2023.
Fish and Wildlife Service Requirements:
Falconers taking a passage peregrine are required to report their capture to the USFWS Division of Migratory Birds/Falconry 3-186a Database.