Find Public Lands Managed For Dove With ODWC's New Map!
The interactive map includes all actively managed dove fields from available Wildlife Management Areas across Oklahoma.
Just zoom in to your area of interest and the fields and water features will appear. Zoom further to see more fields. Clicking on each area will give you more information about the feature, including acreage and crop type, etc.
Map Key

Ag Fields

Food Plots

Water Body

Wildlife Water Feature
Take someone with you!
Dove hunting is a highly anticipated kick-off to hunting season. The laid-back nature of dove hunting makes it a great first hunt for a new hunter! There's no need for expensive camo or gear, you can chat with your buddies and you’ll likely get many shot opportunities. Consider asking someone if they’d like to go!

Although these fields were managed for dove, ODWC cannot guarantee dove will be present. Uncontrollable environmental factors and migration patterns will always play a role in dove field success.
We highly encourage hunters to scout areas in advance as part of their hunt plan.
Dove field data for specific areas are also posted on the individual WMA page, which you can find on our Where To Hunt page. If no dove field data is provided for a specific area open for dove season reach out to the hunting contact for information.
***Dove hunting is also available on OLAP. Learn About OLAP.